S.No. Ref. No. Date Subject File Type
1-F.No.3(4)/2012/TA/2622013/05/10Amendment in Treasury Rules of Central Government- Volume I.
2-No. 1(7)/2003/TA/Part file/238-2512008/07/24Introduction of New Pension Scheme - Changes in respect of functions of Cheque Drawing & Disbursing Officers(CDDOs) in civil ministries.
3-No. 1(7)/2003/TA/Part file/1772008/06/23Introduction of New Pension Scheme - Changes in respect of functions of Cheque Drawing & Disbursing Officers(CDDOs) in civil ministries.
4-No. 1(7)(2003/TA/Part file/2792008/02/09Implementation of the Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS) -Streamlining of procedure for remittance of contributions to Trustee bank by PAOs/ CDDOs-reg.
5-F.NO.1(7)(2)/2003/TA/2452004/04/20Clarifications on various issues on New Pension Scheme have raised a number of queries.
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